Set up to Cam Ranh Vietnam on holidays

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Cam Ranh is the second largest island bay in Khanh Hoa and is also a “hot” tourist destination in recent years, attracting a lot of tourists by the beautiful unspoiled beaches, the pagoda built with shells. Extremely unique snails, corals and tourist areas with attractive games … This holiday, if you do not know where to go, go to Cam Ranh and do not miss the interesting places below Please.

Photo: @ thaolinh17091996

Snail Temple

best destinations in cam ranh vietnam, cam ranh vietnam travel guide, compass travel vietnam, vietnam tourism, vietnam travel, what to do in cam ranh vietnam, set up to cam ranh vietnam on holidaysPhoto: @ dxuyen1007

Tu Van is a temple built in 1968 on 3/4 street, city. Orange line. Due to using mainly shells and corals to build the pagoda, it is also known as Oc Pagoda or Coral Pagoda. The most impressive point for visitors to the pagoda is Bao Tich Tower, 39m high, recognized as the tallest shell tower in Vietnam. The tower has 49 pyramidal sub-towers outside, in each sub-tower there is a statue of Buddha with thousand arms and eyes; There is a small stupa at the top of each sub-tower. So hundreds of Buddha statues, large and small, were meticulously arranged.

In addition, snail pagoda also has a way to “hell” about 500m long, built with great feat of coral stone, snail shell, surrounded by dragon. Along the way down are 12 plaques that record earthly crimes and punishment in prison, like the admonition of people to live a good life.


best destinations in cam ranh vietnam, cam ranh vietnam travel guide, compass travel vietnam, vietnam tourism, vietnam travel, what to do in cam ranh vietnam, set up to cam ranh vietnam on holidaysSealife is really a new entertainment destination, attracting many young people who love to experience at Cam Ranh beach. This beach play area has a total water surface area of ​​5,000m², located in the beautiful sea with fine sand, clear blue sea at Bai Dai. Sealife is home to the largest floating float park in Vietnam, up to 2,000 square meters wide with many new experiences.

Here, you will experience sea sports services such as parachutes, water motorbikes, and windsurfing. In addition, you can also go scuba diving to watch corals, go on a banana float on the sea, watch sea fish species by basket boat … With the courage to invest in new types of games such as riding a motorcycle on the seabed motor driving) …

Suoi Tien sheep field

best destinations in cam ranh vietnam, cam ranh vietnam travel guide, compass travel vietnam, vietnam tourism, vietnam travel, what to do in cam ranh vietnam, set up to cam ranh vietnam on holidaysThis is the first sheep field in Cam Ranh, with the number of hundreds of sheep, located on Vinh Hy road about 1km from National Highway 1A. Coming to Tien stream sheep field, you will feel lost in a fairy tale space or a field scene in European films with a herd of white sheep in harmony with a fresh green meadow. Visiting this ecological area, you will be spoiled for playing, caressing the soft fur of friendly sheep and dropping the check-in station at the high sheep tower with the structure of beautiful spiral steps.

In the sheep field, there is a long, winding blue stream, the two sides of the stream are decorated with many beautiful and colorful flowers, you can spoil the boat and admire the scenery. Chen enters there are green trees, big swings or stilt houses with prominent yellow-white leaf roofs, beautiful little bridges and spacious accommodations. All of them are excellent backgrounds giving you surprisingly luxurious scenes.

Diep Son Island

best destinations in cam ranh vietnam, cam ranh vietnam travel guide, compass travel vietnam, vietnam tourism, vietnam travel, what to do in cam ranh vietnam, set up to cam ranh vietnam on holidaysDiep Son consists of 3 small islands, lying in the waters of Van Phong Bay. The special thing that attracts tourists on this island is the journey of conquering a very unique and interesting underwater road of nearly 700m, connecting the middle island with the big Diep Son island – a winding road, about 1m wide and lies less than half a meter deep below the surface of the clear blue sea.

This walking experience on the road will give you a feeling of great excitement, mixed excitement and a little fear when you have to step between the vast ocean. You can enjoy watching the small flocks of fish swimming on both sides, every now and then you see the flocks of fish jumping out of the water as if waving to the passing boat.

Hon Ba Peak

best destinations in cam ranh vietnam, cam ranh vietnam travel guide, compass travel vietnam, vietnam tourism, vietnam travel, what to do in cam ranh vietnam, set up to cam ranh vietnam on holidaysPeak height of about 1,600m Hon Ba than beautiful sea fairies leaned a hiding in the mountains frosted with colder air, fresh air, spectacular unspoiled scenery so also similes such as ” Da Lat in the heart of the coastal city ”.Hon Ba Nature Reserve has a rich diversity of fauna and flora, many of which are listed in the red book. The highlight to attract tourists here is the wooden house relic of Dr. A. Yersin, as recorded, this is the place where Yersin used to research and grow rare medicinal herbs.


Đăng bởi: Mẫn Văn

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