Cách đọc kết quả xét nghiệm máu chi tiết, chính xác nhất

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Most people who go to the doctor get a blood test to detect many other dangerous diseases. If you do not know how to read specific blood test results, you can follow the information below of Ngonaz. This makes it easier for people to take the initiative in situations.

What is a blood test?

Blood test is a process of examining and analyzing the composition, properties and functions of a blood sample to assess health status and diagnose disease. With blood tests, important parameters and indicators are measured and evaluated, including:

Red blood cell count: A blood test to determine the number of red blood cells in a blood sample. Abnormal red blood cell counts can indicate problems such as anemia, blood disorders, or other medical conditions.

White blood cell count: A blood test can measure the number of white blood cells, including types of white blood cells such as total white blood cells, lymphocytes, and granulocytes. An abnormal white blood cell count can be a sign of infection, inflammation, or other conditions.

White blood cell analysis: A blood test that analyzes the percentage of different types of white blood cells and evaluates the immune function of the body’s system.

Platelet count and percentage: A blood test that measures the number and percentage of platelets, an important measure of kidney function.

Hemoglobin levels: A blood test can measure the amount of hemoglobin, a substance found in red blood cells that helps transport oxygen throughout the body. Abnormal hemoglobin levels can be a sign of anemia.

Coagulation time: A blood test that measures blood clotting time to check how well the blood clotting system is working.

Chemical indicators: Blood tests can also measure chemical indicators such as blood sugar, cholesterol, liver function, kidney function, etc. to assess overall health.

The most accurate way to read blood test results

For the most accurate blood test results, pay attention to the following units and indicators:

Glu (sugar): blood sugar

Glue (glucose) The reference range is 4.1 – 5.9 mmol/l.

In this way, there will be 2 situations:

– If it exceeds the allowable reference threshold: you have hypoglycemia.

– If the reference range is exceeded: this means you are at risk of diabetes or impaired glucose tolerance/metabolism.

SGOT & SGPT: Group of Liver Enzymes

SGOT & SGPT: Group of Liver Enzymes The normal range of SGOT is 9.0 to 48.0 and the normal range of SGPT is 5.0 to 49.0.

As you know, the liver has an important function in detoxifying the organs in the body. When receiving the result, there will be 2 possibilities:

If the liver enzyme index is elevated, it may be a sign of liver cell damage due to inflammation, fibrosis, cancer, etc.

If the enzyme index decreases, it can be a warning sign of diabetes, pregnancy, edema …

When this limit is exceeded, liver function is impaired. Therefore, it is necessary to control foods, drinks, alcohol … that the liver is not easily absorbed.

Lipid group: cholesterol, triglycerides, high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (HDL-C), low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (LDL-C)

– Blood cholesterol reference range < 5.2 mmol/l (adults) and < 4.4.2 mmol/l (children).
The reference range for blood triglycerides is <1.7 mmol/l.
Reference range for HDL-cholesterol 1.03 – 1.55 mmol/l
The reference range for LDL cholesterol is 3.4 mmol/L

When you get results outside of the above reference range, you have a higher risk of heart disease and high blood pressure.

HDL cholesterol test: Thought to reflect cholesterol transfer from atherosclerosis.

– Pass the LDL cholesterol test: Reflects bad cholesterol, because LDL cholesterol increases massively in the blood, causing it to be deposited on the walls of blood vessels, causing plaque. This can lead to life-threatening conditions like heart attack, stroke, etc.

GGT: gamma glutamyl transferase

GGT: gamma glutamyl transferase Reference range of GGT in blood: 0-55 U/L.

GGT is an enzyme that metabolizes amino acids and regulates glutathione levels in the body. It is also the first enzyme to be affected when there is damage to the liver and biliary tract. When the GGT test helps rule out certain liver and gallbladder disorders.

How to read blood test results 2

Urea (blood urea)

Urea (blood urea) The reference range for blood urea is: 2.5 – 7.5 mmol/l.

Urea is synthesized by the liver in the tricarboxylic acid cycle and is the most important product of nitrogen metabolism. Blood urea concentration depends on 3 factors: renal function, electrolyte balance and endogenous protein catabolism.

BUN (blood urea nitrogen) is the nitrogen fraction of urea with a reference range of 8 – 24 mg/dL equivalent to 2.86 – 8.57 mmol/L (male) and 6 – 21 mg/dL equivalent to 2.14 – 7.50 mmol/L female .

Cre (creatine)

Cre (creatine) Serum creatinine reference range:

Male 74 – 120, female 53 – 100 (umol/l).

Cre is a waste product of phosphocreatine degradation in muscle, the amount formed depends on muscle mass and this substance is returned to the circulation. In the kidney, Cre is filtered through the glomerulus, not reabsorbed by the renal tubules and excreted in the urine. Therefore, the Cre component is the most stable protein component independent of the diet and reflects the patient’s renal function.

– If blood Cre is elevated as above: It is easy to cause kidney disease, heart failure, diabetes, …

– If blood Cre is reduced: pregnant women, eclampsia, malnutrition…

uric acid (uric acid)

uric acid (uric acid) Serum uric acid reference range:

Male 180 – 420, female 150 – 360 (umol/l).

Uric acid is a metabolic product of purine nucleic acid base, mainly excreted in the urine, a small amount is excreted in the gastrointestinal tract.

– If blood uric acid is high: It can warn of diseases such as obesity, edema, psoriasis, kidney failure.

– If blood uric acid decreases: It can warn of diseases such as Wilson’s disease, antidiuretic hormone secretion syndrome, Falconi syndrome.

How to read blood test results 3

immune results

Anti-HBs . Test

Anti-HBs test checks the body’s immunity to hepatitis virus and determines hepatitis B virus antibody levels. Your attention:

  • If you have received the hepatitis B vaccine or have been infected with the hepatitis B virus and recovered, your body will make antibodies against the hepatitis B virus and you will have a positive anti-HBs test result.
  • If hepatitis B antibodies are strong (100-1000 IU/ml), no prophylaxis is needed. But if the antibody is weak (0-10 UI/ml), then there is a high chance that you have hepatitis B.

– HBsAg

HBsAg is the surface antigen of the B virus and the results will tell you if you have the B virus. The reference range for this blood test is negative.

Red blood cell count (RBC)

Red blood cell count (RBC) The normal range for men is 4.2 – 5.4 Tera/L and for women is 4.0 – 4.9 Tera/L.

When the results are received, several situations can occur:

– If the red blood cell count increases: due to dehydration and increased red blood cells.

If the red blood cell count is low: Due to anemia.

How to read blood test results 4

Hemoglobin (Hb)

Hemoglobin (Hb) Normal readings are 130-160 g/L for men and 125-142 g/L for women.

When the results are received, several situations can occur:

– If hemoglobin increases: due to dehydration, heart disease, lung disease.

– If hemoglobin decreases: due to anemia, bleeding, hemolytic reaction.

Hematocrit (HCT)

Hematocrit (HCT) Normal readings are 42-47% for men and 37-42% for women.

When the results are received, several situations can occur:

– If hematocrit increases: may have chronic lung disease, coronary heart disease, decreased blood flow …

If hematocrit is low: it may be due to blood loss, anemia, pregnancy.

mean platelet volume (MCV)

mean corpuscular volume (MCV) Normal (MCV) is: 85 – 95 fL (1 fL = 10 – 15 L)

When the results are received, several situations can occur:

– Red blood cell volume is too large: can be caused by vitamin B12 deficiency, folic acid deficiency, liver disease, polycythemia vera, hypothyroidism, etc.

– Small red blood cell size: can be caused by iron deficiency, thalassemia syndrome, erythroblastic anemia, chronic kidney failure…

Mean red blood cell count (MCH)

Mean red blood cell count (MCH) Normal MCH is 26 – 32 pg (1 pg = 10 – 12 g)

When the results are received, several situations can occur:

– If MCH increases in: it may be due to anemia, hereditary severe erythrocytosis…

– If MHC decreases: it may be due to iron deficiency anemia, …

mean hemoglobin concentration (MCHC)

mean hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) Normal MCHC is 32 – 36 g/dL

When the results are received, several situations can occur:

– If MCHC is elevated in: it may be due to severe hereditary polycythemia vera, with cold agglutinin factor.

If MCHC is reduced: Anemia, cirrhosis… it may be due to a decrease in folic acid or vitamin B12.

The number of white blood cells (WBCs) in a given volume of blood

The number of white blood cells (WBCs) in a given volume of blood Normal value: 4.0 to 10.0 G/L.

When the results are received, several situations can occur:

– If the white blood cell count increases: it may be due to infection, malignancy, leukemia …

– If the white blood cell count is low: it may be due to hypoplasia, bone marrow failure, vitamin B12 or folic acid deficiency, bacterial infection…

How to read blood test results 5

Neutrophils (NEUT)

Neutrophils (NEUT) Normal value 42.8 – 75.8% (1.5 – 7.5G/L)

When the results are received, several situations can occur:

– If neutrophils are elevated: It may be due to acute infection, acute myocardial infarction, stress…

– If neutropenia: It may be due to viral infection, hypoplasia or marrow failure, immunosuppressive drugs, radiation therapy, etc.

Lymphocytes (LYM)

Lymphocytes (LYM) Normal value: 16.8 – 45.3% (0.9 – 2.9 G/L).

When the results are received, several situations can occur:

– If lymphocytosis: may be due to tuberculosis, chronic bacterial infection, virus, etc.

If the lymphocyte count is low: It may be due to immunosuppression, HIV/AIDS infection, bone marrow suppression due to chemotherapy, cancer, etc.


mononuclear Normal value: 4.7 – 12 % (0.3 – 0.9 G/l)

When the results are received, several situations can occur:

– If mononucleosis increases: it may be due to viral infection, mononucleosis, myeloproliferative disease…

– If Mono leukopenia: May be due to bone marrow failure, cancer…

Eosinophils (EOS)

Eosinophils (EOS) Normal value: 0.4 – 8.4% (0.03 – 0.5 G/L)

– If eosinophils: it may be due to allergies, parasitic infections…

Basophils (BASO)

Basophils (BASO) Normal value: 0.3 – 1.2% (0.01 – 0.07 G/l)

If the basophil value is increased: allergies, leukemia or hypothyroidism may be present.

The number of platelets in a given volume of blood (PLT)

The number of platelets in a given volume of blood (PLT) Normal value: 150 – 350G/L.

Platelets play an important role in blood clotting and have an average lifespan of 5 to 9 days.

If the platelets are too high: can form blood clots, prone to stroke, heart attack, blockage of blood vessels, etc.

If the platelets are too low: May cause bleeding.

How to read blood test results 6

Platelet Distribution (PDW)

Platelet Distribution (PDW) Normal value: 6 – 11%.

When the results are received, several situations can occur:

– When platelet distribution is increased: sickle cell disease, Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteremia may be present.

– When reduced platelet distribution: may be due to alcoholism.

mean platelet volume (MPV)

mean platelet volume (MPV) Normal value: 6.5 – 11fL.

When the results are received, several situations can occur:

– If mean platelet volume (MPV) increases: diabetes, cardiovascular disease, stress…

– If mean platelet volume (MPV) decreases: it may be due to megaloblastic anemia, cancer chemotherapy, acute leukemia…

Be careful when testing blood

– Prepare psychologically before blood test.

– If you feel dizzy after drawing blood, tell your doctor or laboratory staff immediately for help.

– After the examination there is usually a small bruise due to the puncture of the needle. However, then it fades away.

How to read blood test results 7

So you know how to read specific blood test results. Hopefully this information can help people understand their health status, plan a reasonable diet and exercise.

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